Middle East security forum consensus announcement = Beijing _ China ...


It continued to grow, aware of the tense situation in the Middle ...

Middle East security forum consensus announcement = Beijing _ China ... It continued to grow, aware of the tense situation in the Middle East with a focus on Iran = NY crude oil Overview NY crude oil futures contract (WTI) (closing price) Barrel = .0 (+0. +0.) New York crude oil continued to grow. Business day before ratio of the closing price (preliminary figures), near-term contracts is 0. ~ 0. Dollar. Other contract month 0. ~ 0. Dollar. It has pushed up the market, which is growing geopolitical risk in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia of tankers and oil facilities are attacked, that the presence of Iran is suspected behind this is to increase the tension. The United States has cornered Iran by economic sanctions, the two countries of the relationship has been tense. US Energy Information Administration (EIA), but crude oil inventories increased in weekly report released by, not very material view. The contract in after-hours trading 0. Weak sales up to $. However, after regular trading started and plus conversion. It was raised to $.

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